CONFUSED [Pg. 147- 149]
a) Sensor-
a mechanical device sensitive to light, temperature, radiation level, or the like,
that transmits a signal to a measuring or control instrument
an adverse critic/ faultfinder
b) Accede-
to give consent
to go beyond in quantity, degree, rate, etc.
c) Lessen-
Lesson- a part of a book, an
exercise, etc.
d) Airs-
affected manners intended to impress
Heirs- a person who inherits or has a right of
inheritance in the property of another following
the latter's death
e) Statue-
a three- dimensional work of art, carved in stone or wood moulded in a plastic material, cast in bronze, or the like.
Statute- an enactment made by a legislature and
expressed in a formal document
f) Allude- to refer casually or indirectly
Elude- to avoid or escape by speed,
cleverness, trickery, etc.
g) Tortuous- full of twists, turns, or bends
Torturous- causing torture
h) Allusion- an incidental mention of something
Illusion- something that deceives by producing a
false impression of reality
i) Loathe- to feel disgust
j) Vicious-
Viscous- sticky
k) Alternately-
to interchange repeatedly
as another option or possibility
l) Amoral-
lacking a moral sense
violating moral principles
[An immoral
person has a sense of right and wrong but fails to live up to those moral
standards. An amoral person has no sense of right and wrong and doesn’t
recognize any moral standard.]
Emolument- profit, salary, or fees from office or
Emollient- having the power of relaxing
n) Annual- yearly
Annal- a record of events of a particular year
o) Flare- to burn with an unsteady flame
Flair- a natural talent
p) Arcane- known or understood by very few
Archic- marked by the characteristics of an
earlier period
q) Doughty- steadfastly courageous
Dowdy- not stylish
r) Ascetic- a monk
having a sense of the beautiful
s) Wet- moistened
to sharpen (a knife, tool, etc.) by grinding or
t) Gibe- to taunt
or jibe- to
shift from one side to the other when running before the wind
u) Ascent- upward movement
to agree
v) Biannual- occurring twice a year
Biennial- happening every two years
w) Aspersion- a damaging or derogatory remark or
Dispersion- an act, state, or instance of dispersing
x) Heroin- a white, crystalline, narcotic powder
Heroine- the principal female character in a
story, play, film, etc.
y) Incredible- so extraordinary as to seem impossible
Incredulous- showing unbelief
z) Auger- a bit, as for a brace
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