Wednesday, August 9, 2017


R.K.Narayan is one of the most famous Indian Writers in English. He brings out in an amusing way how headache, whether real or unreal, helps people to avoid many delicate personal discomforts and save the face of people. Headache is the most useful blessing given to mankind by God. It acts as a password to escape from problems. During our school days while writing leave let (Specimen letter) teacher give example as “I am suffering from headache”. Headache was a boon to mankind. During drill classes students those who wanted to escape from exercises use headache as a password. The schoolboy dislikes doing homework. So he lies that he is suffering from severe headache. Highly placed officials talk of their indisposition to escape from unpleasant commitments. Telling the truth bluntly will disrupt human relationships. So we lie that we are suffering from headache. The husband does not want to take his wife out. So he lies to her that he is suffering from headache. The clerk who does not like his routine work at office cannot complain openly that his job is boring. So he stays at home, saying that he has an unbearable headache. Headache is essential for maintaining human relationship in working order. It has become such a confirmed habit that a huge trade has developed in providing a cure for it. Companies manufacture medicines for curing headache which is only a myth and not a reality.


  1. Headcahe is a____________ 

  1. Blessing

  2. Cursing 

  3. None of the above 

  1. Headache is essential for _________ 

  1. Maintain critical circumstance 

  2. Maintain human relationship 

  3. Maintain the mental power 
  1. The word boon means ______________ 

  1. Gift 

  2. Blessing 

  3. praise 

  1. The word myth means ___________ 

  1. a commonly believed idea which is true 

  2. a commonly believed idea which is not true 

  3. both 

  1. No other aches, except headache, can be so openly mentioned with impunity, because they are _________ and __________ 

  1. Smooth and physiological 

  2. Smooth and crude 

  3. crude and physiological 

  1. Rheumatism means _____________ 

  1. pain in the joints and muscles 

  2. pain in the head and nerves 

  3. pain in the bones 


  1. Why does R.K.Narayan say that headache is God’s blessing to man? Give some reasons. 

  • He brings out in an amusing way how headache, whether real or unreal, helps people to avoid many delicate personal discomforts and save the face of people. 

  • Headache is the most useful blessing given to mankind by God. 

  • It helps people to avoid uncomfortable situations in life. 

  • It acts as a password to escape from problems. 

  • Headache was a boon to mankind. 

  • During drill classes students those who wanted to escape from exercises use headache as a password. 

  • The schoolboy dislikes doing homework. 

  • Telling the truth bluntly will disrupt human relationships. 

  • So we lie that we are suffering from headache. 

  • The husband does not want to take his wife out. 

  • And also mother-in-law, father-in-law, officers and friends also use headache as an excuse. 

  1. How headache is essential for maintaining human relationship? 

  • Telling the truth bluntly will disrupt human relationships. 

  • So we lie that we are suffering from headache. 

  • The husband does not want to take his wife out. 

  • So he lies to her that he is suffering from headache. 

  • The clerk who does not like his routine work at office cannot complain openly that his job is boring. 

  • So he stays at home, saying that he has an unbearable headache. 

  • Headache is essential for maintaining human relationship in working order. 

  • It has become such a confirmed habit that a huge trade has developed in providing a cure for it. 

  • Companies manufacture medicines for curing headache which is only a myth and not a reality. 


  1. Summarize R.K.Narayan’s ideas on ‘Headache’? 


  • R.K.Narayan is one of the most famous Indian Writers in English. 

  • He brings out in an amusing way how headache, whether real or unreal, helps people to avoid many delicate personal discomforts and save the face of people. 


  • Headache is the most useful blessing given to mankind by God. 

  • It helps people to avoid uncomfortable situations in life. 

  • It acts as a password to escape from problems. 

  • Headache was a boon to mankind. 

  • During drill classes students those who wanted to escape from exercises use headache as a password. 

  • The schoolboy dislikes doing homework. 

  • So he lies that he is suffering from severe headache. 

  • Highly placed officials talk of their indisposition to escape from unpleasant commitments. 


  • He remembers his school experience that the very first letter was taught, as”I am suffering from headache. I request to grant me leave”. 

  • He wonders why the teacher chooses the same for the leave letter. 


  • The word “Indisposition” is superior to the word “Headache”. 

  • People use the word ‘indisposition’ to excuse themselves. 

  • It is a wage word. 

  • It sounds better in the third person. 

  • A gentle man’s secretary can use it in a press note. 

  • An excuse is an elegant falsehood. 


  • Telling the truth bluntly will disrupt human relationships. 

  • So we lie that we are suffering from headache. 

  • The husband does not want to take his wife out. 

  • So he lies to her that he is suffering from headache. 

  • The clerk who does not like his routine work at office cannot complain openly that his job is boring. 

  • So he stays at home, saying that he has an unbearable headache. 

  • Headache is essential for maintaining human relationship in working order. 

  • It has become such a confirmed habit that a huge trade has developed in providing a cure for it. 

  • Companies manufacture medicines for curing headache which is only a myth and not a reality. 


  • Headache is only a habit. 

  • Headache is rather a habit than a disease. 

  • The sufferer feels uneasy as they do not carry always headache tablets in their pockets. 

  • Opticians sell glasses to relieve headache, thus a huge trade has developed in providing a cure for it. 


` The author says that there is no such thing as headache or indisposition.

W W Campbell- Introduction